We carefully select the suppliers we work with. We check product certificates, their materials, we try to find even more environmentally friendly solutions and products every day. Since we know from our own experience how many products are of extremely low quality in the field of business gifts, we strive to ensure that our selection does not include almost unusable products of non-existent quality. We make every effort to review every product in our selection whenever possible before offering it to the customer to make sure it fits our principles. For us, environmental friendliness is also expressed in the quality of the product, which means that the service life of the product would be as long as possible. Less is more is a good saying in our field as well, both in terms of designs and in general - sometimes it pays to give one decent gift instead of several lower quality ones. We also try to convey this way of thinking to our customers. We also try to reuse all the packaging we receive.


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Website: https://ecodisain.ee

E-mail: info@ecodisain.ee