
How to bring the company's special background to the real customer, i.e. how to sell an idea to 250,000,000 people?

Andrus Albi - Partner in Southwestern Counsulting

Sales trainer at Southwestern Consulting – 7th-best lifetime book seller among the 250,000+ people who have worked at Southwestern Advantage over 160 years. – Recruited and trained several top teams – Southwestern Platinum Certification in Sales and Recruiting (highest level awarded) – Member of the Southwestern President's Club (representing 1% of the entire company) 11 out of 12 years

  • Recruited and trained a team at Southwestern Advantage that sold over a million sales in three months during the summer break.

Andrus is an experienced manager and sales person. While studying at the University of Tartu in his first year, he went to USA to sell books door to door. In 12 years, Andrus has made about 30,000 sales presentations. Andrus has helped thousands of salespeople improve their company's sales and systems in both Europe and America. Andrus is the first Estonian who reached the partner level in the company Southwestern Coaching and he leads the biggest team of the same company in Europe. Andrus is a very passionate motorcyclist who feels good on a motorcycle both on the motorcycle track and in the forest.



