
The birth of a unicorn outside of Tallinn: is it possible?

Silver Smeljanski - Deputy mayor of Pärnu, head of Stratup Estonia's regional development expert group

Silver is a native of Pärnu – entrepreneur and politician. He has come into contact with very different fields, from the green economy to the technology sector. In 2016, Silver co-founded Paljas Pala, the first packaging-free grocery store in the Baltics. The promotion of Pärnu is a topic close to Silver's heart, and he has made his contribution to the development of the Startup field by co-founding the first collaboration center in Pärnu, Forwardspace, started the Pärnu Entrepreneurship Incubator and contributing to the development of start-ups also as the head of the Startup Estonia Regional Development expert group outside of Tallinn. Currently, Silver is contributing to the development of Pärnu by fulfilling the role of deputy mayor of Pärnu.

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