
The birth of a unicorn outside of Tallinn: is it possible?

Karin Künnapas - Co-leader of code/Jõhvi

Karin is co-director of the new programming school kood/Jõhvi. kood/Jõhvi works without teachers, classes, and learning there is free. Application to the school is open to anyone who is at least 18 years old and has a basic education. The school has been founded by 8 very well-known and successful entrepreneurs in the Estonian start-up landscape and started work in the fall of 2021. Nearly 200 students aged 18-62 will study in the first generation, and up to 400 students from over 3,000 candidates are planned to be accepted in the new generation. Karin has studied economics and business management at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and history at the University of Tartu. For the past 9 years, she has been involved with Estonian startups, working at the Estonian Business Angels Association and developing entrepreneurship education at the European Innovation Academy. Developing good education and making it more accessible is very important to her and also one of the missions of code/Jõhvi.

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