
How to be a better version of yourself every day? In everything.

Erkki Markus - CEO of Smaily

Erkki is the head of the start-up Smaily and a self-proclaimed world fixer. He believes that a million people who take at least the first step to make something better will have a bigger impact in the aggregate than one perfect "tree hugger" to the end. Therefore, making the world around us better is within the reach of all of us. Erkki himself has been sorting garbage into 5 different boxes for almost 10 years, produces more green electricity with his personal solar panels than his entire family can consume, has planted hectares of new forest, consciously travels in an environmentally friendly way, replaced his old diesel car with an electric car and has given up consumption of animal products with his whole family. Erkki also trains others on these topics and helps implement changes among colleagues, friends and other interested parties.

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