Panel discussion: Is Estonia a new space country?
12:00With university background in physics and electronics, I have worked as a researcher and developed computer-simulation platform for electric fields and currents. I made research for biomedical technologies and made computer simulations of electric measurements in human tissues.
Several years ago I started to fly model airplanes as a hobby. This grew into developing drones and then grew into stratospheric experiments with weather-balloons.
In 2016 I became the head of student-satellite project in Tallinn University of Technology. We were able to launch 2 satellites into orbit - TTU100 and TTU101 (called Dawn and Dusk in Estonia) - and we are operating them now, trying to start Earth observation mission.
For a long time I have wanted to find business use in the space technologies and in 2020 I founded Spacewave OÜ to develop communication systems for small satellites. In 2021 we founded VAAL Airships OÜ to develop stratospheric drone solutions.
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