Panel discussion: Is Estonia a new space country?
12:00Kadri Bussov - Current Legal Advisor and H2020 Project Lead (Jurist ja H2020 projektijuht) in Luxembourg Cybersecurity Competence Center. Former CEO and current Supervisory Board Member of Estonian Student Satellite Foundation (ESTCube)
Kadri Bussov is a Current Legal Advisor in Luxembourg Cybersecurity Competence Center and a Supervisory Board Member of Estonian Student Satellite Foundation (ESTCube). Before moving to Luxembourg, Kadri was the CEO of the Estonian Student Satellite Foundation. Kadri’s interests include historical patterns of interactions between technological innovation and sustainability of civilizations. Kadri holds Master's degree in International and EU Law with focus on cybersecurity on space assets and is alumnus of International Space University's Space Studies Program of 2019. LinkedIn profile